The Enumerator Willi Toisuta & Associates (WTA), Jumono, conducted visits to five Community Learning Centers (PKBM) in Pemalang, Central Java. Amongst them was PKBM Putra Bangsa and Tunas Jaya, which was visited on February 14-15, 2023. There, Jumono, as the enumerator of WTA, conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with students, parents, and teachers/tutors, and interviewed the village head.
The data collection activity is an integral part of the Out of School Children (OoSC) research funded by UNICEF Indonesia through Cambridge Education (Mott MacDonald Ltd) and WTA. This research aims to review the implementation, challenges, and opportunities for non-formal education in Indonesia in the present context. Furthermore, this research aims to develop practical recommendations and strategies that can improve non-formal education services so that Out of School Children (OoSC) are provided with better options to obtain education.
This research involves 10 samples of Local Learning Centers (SKB) and PKBM in each district in Pemalang Regency, Central Java, and Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. Through this research, it is hoped that solutions can be discovered that can improve the quality of non-formal education services for children who drop out of school.